Saturday, June 19, 2010

Today's Tip Curing the File-Management Migraine

Thanks to ever-growing amounts of data, potentially expensive security risks, and the proliferation of new technology, moving huge, business-critical files is giving headaches to organizations of every size. Organizations need to be able to share these huge files among internal systems, disparate locations, external partners, individuals, desktop-to-desktop, and so on. Administrators also need to know where the files are—and have been—at all times to meet strict regulations and compliance mandates. Managing these files is no longer just a headache; it is a migraine.

Organizations often rely on a hodgepodge of homegrown and legacy solutions to manage mission-critical file transfers. Unfortunately, these solutions make it hard to track files and cannot keep up with ever-increasing compliance and security risks. Employees and business partners are often left wondering: "Where’s my file?" Or worse: "Who accessed my file?"

Take five simple steps to make sure you know where your files are, where they have been, and who has accessed them—regardless of how or when they were sent:

1. Automate and consolidate your file-transfer process.

2. Account for all file-transfer types, sizes, protocols, and needs.

3. Eliminate the burden on the user—do not rely on users to modify their behavior.

4. Monitor all inbound and outbound file sharing.

5. Retire the scores of legacy and consumer freeware to reduce software maintenance costs.

Deploying a robust, managed file-transfer solution can help you eliminate your daily file headaches, but many of these are complicated and costly. Evaluate cloud-based options to reduce resource and infrastructure costs. Take control of your organization’s file-transfer challenges.

Sandy Weil
President and CEO
New York

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