Friday, July 16, 2010

Vaseline Promotes Whiter Skin in India

The skincare company Vaseline has created an application for Facebook that lightens men’s skin. The app is only available in India. It makes faces in photos whiter. The special widget promises to "transform your face…with Vaseline Men." The company has used Bollywood star Shahid Kapur to promote their product. His face is shown in two halves – one darker, one lighter. Skin-whitening creams are very popular in India. An online dating site found people thought skin colour was very important. However, newspapers have attacked companies who say lighter skin is better.

Many people think Vaseline’s advertising campaign is racist. It is surprising a famous brand is encouraging men to make their skin whiter. They also used advertisements that said whiter skin was healthier. Maybe they can only do this in India. I’m sure people would go mad if Vaseline tried this in the U.S.A. All skin colours are healthy and beautiful. The idea that lighter skin looks better is stupid. It probably comes from Hollywood where blonde hair, blue eyes and milk-white skin is still the image people like to see. In India, Vaseline is only encouraging racism.

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