A man wearing a chicken costume was hauled away by the Singapore police on Thursday, June 10, 2010, after trying to stage a one-man demonstration against a local KFC outlet.
Edward Basse, 24, is an American PETA campaigner dedicated to saving the 1-billion or so chickens that according to KentuckyFriedCruelty are “crammed by the tens of thousands into excrement-filled sheds that stink of ammonia fumes.” Among his allies are the likes of Sir Paul McCartney, His Holiness the Dalal Lama and, of course, Baywatch bunny Pamela Anderson.
Anyhow, Edward’s plan was to stand outside a local KFC outlet and hold anti-KFC signs while chanting anti-KFC rhetoric. However, although his stunt may have worked in the United States, there is no room for rambunctious rabble-rousing in the Republic of Singapore.
Forbes reporter Alex Kennedy reports that protests are only allowed at a park known as the “Speaker’s Corner.” Added to that, a protestor must first receive permission from the police before he or she can proceed. Basse did seek out approval, but his protest was never authorized, police said.
After being arrested, Edward was interrogated by the police and then later confined to his hotel room. During an interview with the Agence France-Presse news agency, he said, “I am now in my hotel room. I am under functional house arrest.”
Luckily for Edward, he was allowed to fly out of Singapore without having to face any criminal charges. He however plans to one day soon return. According to Forbes, in fact, he has thus far staged protests in Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. He can now add Singapore to that list.
When asked why he does this, he merely replied, “I have to do [it] for the chickens.”
Indeed…. for the chickens!
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